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<!--- * * Type: Wizard Definition File * Name: TABLE TO JS WIZARD * * Description: * This wizard generates CF code converting the * content from the database table into a JavaScript * object. * * Note: * Since this wizard definition file uses predefined pages * and pages with custom layout, you can customize these * in the script below to fit your needs. * ---> <WIZARD name="TableToJS" caption="Table To JS Wizard"> <!--- wizard parameters ---> <PARAM name="ApplicationName" value="" required="yes"> <PARAM name="DataSource" value="" required="yes"> <PARAM name="Table" value="" required="yes"> <PARAM name="Fields" value="" required="yes"> <!--------------------- WIZARD PAGES --------------------------------> <!------------------ Enter application params -----------------------> <PAGE name="SelectWizardNameAndLocation" type="SelectNameAndLocation" caption="Table To JS Application" image="..\\images\\Main.bmp"> <INPUT name="editApplicationName" param="ApplicationName" required="yes" validationMsg="You cannot leave the Application Name field blank"> <INPUT name="editLocation" param="Location" required="yes" validationMsg="You cannot leave the Location field blank"> </PAGE> <!--------------- Select data source ------------------------> <PAGE name="DataSource" type="SelectDataSource" caption="Data Source" image="..\\images\\SelectData.bmp"> <PARAM name="ListBoxLabel" value="Select data source:"> <PARAM name="ListBoxDescription" value="Choose the data source from which contains the table whose content you would like to convert to a JavaScript object.\n\nIf your database is not registered as ODBC data source, open the ODBC administrator in Control Panel and add system data source for this database."> <PARAM name="RemoveParams" value="Table,Fields"> <INPUT name="cbDataSources" param="DataSource" required="yes" validationMsg="You did not select the data source. Please select one before proceeding."> </PAGE> <!---------------- Select tables --------------------------> <PAGE name="Table" type="SelectTables" caption="Table" image="..\\images\\SelectTable.bmp"> <PARAM name="DataSource" value="$${DataSource}"> <PARAM name="ListBoxLabel" value="Select database table:"> <PARAM name="ListBoxDescription" value="Please specify the table whose content you would like to convert to a JavaScript object."> <PARAM name="MultiSelect" value="no"> <PARAM name="RemoveParams" value="Fields"> <INPUT name="lstTables" param="Table" required="yes" validationMsg="You did not select the table. Please select one before proceeding."> </PAGE> <!------------------ Select search fields -----------------> <PAGE name="Fields" type="SelectFields" caption="Fields" image="..\\images\\SelectFields.bmp"> <PARAM name="DataSource" value="$${DataSource}"> <PARAM name="Tables" value="$${Table}"> <PARAM name="ListBoxLabel" value="Select the fields:"> <PARAM name="ListBoxDescription" value="Choose all fields that should be retrieved from the table and included in the JavaScript object. Press Ctrl or Shift together with the mouse click in order to select more than one field."> <PARAM name="MultiSelect" value="yes"> <INPUT name="lstFields" param="Fields" required="yes" validationMsg="You did not select any fields. Please select at least one before proceeding."> </PAGE> <!------------------ Conversion Library ---------------> <PAGE name="ConversionLibrary" type="DYNAMIC" caption="Conversion Library" image="..\\images\\main.bmp"> <PAGELAYOUT> <CONTROL name="lblLibraryPath" type="label" down="5" right="5" width="MAXIMUM" height="125" wrap="YES" caption="Enter below the relative or absolute path to the wddx.js file. This file contains the JavaScript library necessary for the conversion tags to work.\n\nThe file has been installed in the \\CFIDE\\Scripts subdirectory of the document installation directory. Since this file must be accessible via your web server, copy it first to a directory where it will be accessible and then enter the relative or absolute path for it below." /> <CONTROL name="txtLibraryPath" type="TextBox" down=5 anchor="lblLibraryPath" corner="SW" width="MAXIMUM" relative="yes" filter="wddx.js" /> </PAGELAYOUT> <INPUT name="txtLibraryPath" param="LibraryPath" default="wddx.js" > </PAGE> <!----------------------- WIZARD OUTPUT ---------------------> <TEMPLATE name="TableToJS.wml" outputFile="$${SafeApplicationName}_TableToJS.cfm" outputPath="$${Location}" description="The page that converts table to a JavaScript object." > </WIZARD>